In August we, Japanese, should go over World War 2. Because August 15th is the anniversary of the end of the Pacific War.
It’s not bad we have an opportunity to go over it once a year.
I hardly listen to the story about the war from people around me.
My mother was born after the war and my grandpa used to have disease a lot. That’s why he didn’t go to the battlefields.
My mother’s family used to go to not the center of Tokyo to avoid the attack from the other countries. So they were hardly in big troubles of it.
But I wanna listen to the stories about the war when I have opportunities.
A couple of weeks ago I visited my grandma and it was a coincidence to talk to me about the story related the war.
Her younger brother used to have a weak constitution. And he couldn’t be trained something for the war. But one day he got the order to go to the battlefields.
He went to Fukuoka, the south of Japan, by train and when he was gonna leave for Philippines,he ran a high fiver and he was forced to drop off.
She said “ If he left for Philippines, he could’n’ve gotten back home. “
You’re scared when you listen to the story about the war, right?
A grandma of my associate’s at work ran to the opposite direction.
as people who ran under the bridge when the air attack started suddenly.
She thought if she had run to the same place as everybody, the enemy would’ve attacked the place. It was right and she survived.
If her grandma hadn’t thought of that and her grandma had run to under the bridge,
her mother would’n’ve been here also my associate at work would’n’ve been here.
Thinking of that, each life is valuable and many miracles happened. That’s why you live.
Before going to Saipian I told my grandmother to go to Saipan. She said “ I don’t wanna listen to the name of Saipan because I remember the war. I was thinking you were going there to pray for soldiers? “ to me.
Yeah, only about 60 years ago the Pacific War happened not only in Saipan also Okinawa,Hiroshima, Tokyo and everywhere.
Many people were bombed out even in Tokyo.
You know, we’re really happy just to live here.
So we gotta appreciate it and live as hard as we can.
Old and young, we gotta enjoy living! If we couldn’t do that, we’d feel sorry to people who died because of the war.
If they lived now, they must’ve said “ You want too much stuff. “ plus “ Even if you’re buried from someone, you got dumped and people don’t do that you want to. Don’t complain them.
You’re incredibly happy just to live. So live as hard as you can positively.”
A Japanese comedian says “ You’re really happy just to live. “
Everybody, keep it up!
By the way this picture is an old Japanese cannon in Saipan.