Tuesday, February 16, 2010

might put weight after jogging?!


Last Sunday I and my husband ate two kinds of cake that I baked. So I took my husband
to jog even though he didn’t wanna jog.
My husband said “ only 15 minutes, right? “ but I tricked him and we jogged for 25 minutes.
Actually I wanted to jog longer but I don’t want him not to like jogging if I pushed him too
much. So we finished jogging.
I made soup for Soba but he wanted to eat grilled beef. So we decided to stop by a restaurant.
He decided to run to lose weight but after jogging he worked up an appetite.
So he doesn’t lose weight and hi might put on weight.
I’m not sure what is good for health but probably it’s good to jog and eat more than being
at home in a whole day.
We were gonna go to eat grilled beef but we stopped at a Chinese restaurant because
the sign was changed.
The owner changed probably.
We used to like the middle aged woman at the restaurant and we were wondering if
she’s gone?!
A young Chinese woman who hadn’t been at the ex-restaurant was there and she spoke
Japanese unwell.
We sat at a bar and talked with for a while. She came form China near Mongolia.
You can eat a set of Chinese dishes for 650yen. It’s inexpensive.
We’ll stop by the restaurant from now on, too.
By the way this is Teriyaki-burger that I made for lunch last weekend.


Louise said...

Jogging and eating is better than just eating!

ayamlin said...

* Louise
Thank you for your a lots comment:)
I'll jog with my husband tomorrow, too:)