Today I was gonna try to walk. The frozen drink was ready and anytime I was able to go.
But I was feeling different from usual days.
I was feeling like something that I had ever experienced.
The baby was going down and my tummy stretched too much.
And everytime I stepped, the baby went down something like that.
My tummy hurt a little.
I was just guessing was it labor pain?
No way!
Today the temperature reached 39 degrees in Kumagaya where is near Tokyo.
I left home and went to the park around at 3:30 with 3 rice balls and a frozen plastic bottled
tea and a not frozen plastic bottled tea.
But my tummy sometimes hurt. So I came back and went to the park near my house.
Because it takes an hour to go to the park where I went yesterday.
I got to the park but my tummy still hurt once a while. So I got home.
Tiding up the rooms a little bit, doing laundry and I prepared for going to the hospital.
They say “Forewarned is forearmed.”.
Yesterday I said “ I’m working for delivering you. So why don’t we work for it together!” to
my baby.. So he might start to come out.
What a good boy!
Anyway my time of pregnancy is almost over.
Thanks to everyone. It was fabulous time that I had never experienced.
Now I just ate two macarons that my colleagues got to me and kept in the fridge.
Because if I was in the hospital, I couldn’t eat them for a while.