A friend from blog lives 7 minutes walk and train from my house.
Another friend from blog livess 10 minutes walk and train.
It’s a small world.
I got expensive cosmetics and some bread that she baked from her.
So I brought a recipe book of bread and rolled cake that I baked to her.
I called her in the evening and said “ I’m on my way home from work. And I’ll bake rolled
cake and I wanna bring it to your house at 7:30 at night. Are you at home? “
She was pleased and said “ Yes “ even though I called her all of a sudden.
So I got home right away and baked rolled cake with brown sugar that I just bought.
I made the cake and whipped cream with only brown sugar.
It was my first time to bake cake with brown sugar not white sugar.
I tried to eat some and it tasted sweet but not too much sweet.
White sugar taste sweet clearly but brown sugar tastes sweet softly.
I found it this time!
I went to her house all of a sudden but she said “ Wanna come up for coffee? “ to me.
I was more than willing but I decided to go to her house next time even though I wanted
to go to her house. And I went to a large grocery store near her house.
An hour passed quickly since I started to look for good kitchen tools.
I got some PYREX and something. And then an hour and a half hour passed without
I ran to my house for ten minutes.
She lives next stop from my house.
I’ll bake cake and visit her house.
I can get one more fun thing since I was able to bake cake.