Sunday, September 26, 2010

I practiced to bake macaron!


I learned the way I bake macaron the day before yesterday.
Today I practiced to bake it!
I haven’t gotten a knack for it yet but I got a hint for it.
I’ll practice it again soon!
So, why don’t you come over and try some!

Monday, September 20, 2010



Three-day-holiday is over.
I worked on the first day of three-day-holiday.
On the first day and the second day I spent time with my family.
And on the last day that means today I cleaned my house and watched DVD and
I did it something like this picture.
I scrapped some happy things that I don’t wanna forget and some pleasant words from
some people.
By the way these words are words from my valuable friend called Linda.
Starting to do that, I’m absorbed in doing it.
night night, everyone. Have a happy week!

Monday, September 06, 2010

I wanna spend time in Toscan this fall


I’ve enjoyed reading a paperback entitled “under the Toscan sun’’ on the way to work.
It’s fun to read it. in addition this time I check all unknown words in the dictionary.
When I read a paperback for studying. I sometimes get tired of reading it.
Because it’s too slowly to read it. So I used to read it not checking unknown words in dictionary
just imagining their meanings.
But if I don’t use the dictionary, I can’t memorize new English words also I can’t use the way
I express. That’s why it’s a little bit hassle checking them but I try to check them in the
For now I enjoy finding out their meaning even though I already know other words that
have the same meaning as them.
I wanna be able to use the words usually.
This fall I wanna enjoy reading the paperback slowly while sipping coffee.
By the way I took this picture at Giou-temple in Kyoto of Japan.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

my colorful dinner


When I eat out for few days in a row, I often rack green and yellow vegetables.
So I try to eat colorful vegetables at home.
Last night my husband came home late, too. So I ate some dishes with some bread
for dinner. Sometimes I wanna eat some bread even for dinner.
You know, most Japanese people eat rice for dinner.
I like eating a piece of bread with salad or soup.
I’ve thought it but I was not Japanese in my previous life, right?
** Today’s Menu **
+ Salad of carrot and tuna
+ Salad of pumpkin
+ croquet with corn croquette
+ boiled Komatsuna
+ bread