Wednesday, January 04, 2012

there were many happy things in 2011.


I was busy at the end of the year also in the new year.
Everyday time flies when I spend time with my baby son.
But of course I spend happy time every day.
Last year there was the most important thing in life.
Of course it means my babyson was born last year.
Becoming mom, I was able to experience various things and every experience was a very happy experience.
Looking back, there was no bad thing and I never felt down even once.
Happy things happened one after another.
In the hospital where my baby son was born I met an Indian friend called Remya also some mothers.
In addition I saw some friends after a few year.
Talking about a friend of them, I talked with her on the phone after being a labor.
And I got some advice to give birth easily from her.
She was more than willing to see such me and I had a baby.
Plus, when I was with her at Tully’s, my baby son pooped there.
So I went to the baby room to change the diaper.
Then I met a Canadian woman called Amy. And then I met new friends through her.
I thought why he pooped now. But I talked about it with Amy and we said “ Actually it was a lucky poop! “ to each other.
And I shouldn’t forget my family’s support.
My mother and sister supports me and give some advice me as a mother and my family.
My sister’s husband is nice to me. My husband values our baby son.
Looking back again, there was a terrible bad thing.
Not to mention, it’s about the Great East Japan Earthquake.
When there was the earthquake, I walked home from work about for 7 hours.
And then I have to be worried about the radioactive materials. And it hasn’t been over yet.
I haven’t drunk tap water at home. So I have to pay much money to keep getting much mineral
water. And I don’t get vegetables that I wanna eat. I get vegetables that grows in the south of
Japan. Because I don’t need to be worried about the radioactive materials.
So I can’t eat food that I wanna eat.
There are some worries and tough things.
I’m extremely happy after having my baby son more than some worries and others.
I met new friends through my baby son also I saw old friends after having my baby son.
My happiness loops around me on the axis of him.
It doesn’t mean he can live with my support. It means I can live because he is here.
I wanna never forget to thank everything and value meeting and communicating with
People and all that jazz this year.


Kay said...

I'm very happy to have met you, Aya. Having your son in your life and your new friends are definitely treasures of 2011. May the Year of the Dragon be wonderful. Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu.

Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Ayamlin!
I hope you began well the 2012, with your sweet baby and your nice family!
I wish you a Serene and Joyful New Year!
Greetings from Turin :-)