It’s the third week of January without knowing after new year and starting to work.
Time flies everyday.
These days I hardly turn on my PC and I often read the book on holidays.
I’m into an author and I finish reading his novels one after another.
I requested his some works and I finished reading one novel a day.
I used to read books on the train on the way to work.
So there are a lot of attractive works of his.
I learned this author from an attractive man that I met.
Some people like reading books and some people don’t like it.
I was lucky to read books since a child because my parents like reading books.
Books that I used to read were not only easy to read but also difficult to read.
So I can enjoy reading difficult books also easy books.
You can able to expend your world through reading books, also connect with many people
through the books.
I can’t count people who connect with me through books.
I connected with the executive director also younger colleagues.
I got along with elder people also young people through books.
When I become a mother, I wanna tell my kids pleasure to read books.
By the way this picture is Galette des Rois that I got for the first time.