Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our fourth day in Saipan


On our fourth day in Saipan the sunshine got stronger than the previous day.
Well, today is our last day when we can enjoy doing anything in a whole day. We're going where?
We came up with going round the island or going to the other beaches.
But we were not sure there were much more fish than Managaha island.
In other way around it seemed possible that there weren't fish there.
That' why we decided to go to Managaha island again.
We went to the tent on the beach in front of the hotel.
A man of Sea Horse memorized my name and called " aya-chan " pleasantly.
This convenient handsome man was the president of Sea Horse that I knew after getting back
to Japan and his wife is Japanese.
Business needs to memorize the name also the face, you know.
That's important. Because you would be pleased when the person memorized you.
" Today Sanji isn't here? " I said it to him. Then he looked for him and got him.
until the boat picking up us we talked with Sanji whom we got along with.
I said “ Yesterday we walked to COSTCO. Do you pronounce CO-SU-CO? “” to Sanji.
He said “ No way?! I’ve never walked there. !
We said good-by to Sanji shaking hands because he told us he wasn’t here when we
got back from the island.
We got on the boat with a beach mat and a cooler box.
On the day we found clear long big fish with his long mouth like a pointed beak.
in much clear long fish called halfbeak that gathered around us when we snorkeled.
He was really big and swam slowly and elegantly. In addition he looked snob.
He totally wasn’t interested in pieces of bread that was feed for fish.
He seemed like he wanted to say “ Huh? Even I won’t eat such a weird thing “
And I’m sure he took a glace at us.
He seems like a Japanese actor “ Etsushi Toyokawa “.
I showed a local person it and the person taught me the fish’s name.
It was seerfish.
I often see a pack of cut seerfish at grocery stores. But I never imagined seerfish looked so.
I wouldn’t eat a piece of that snob seerfish anymore, maybe.


Jeannette StG said...

wow, there is Costco in Saipan?
Ayamlin, is it a seerfish? Or is the spelling different? Please ask your teacher...I'm asking because English is also my second language!

Before I forget, I also visited your blog, because I went out of order with replies to my comments, so keep scrolling down till you see your name! Always fun to hear from you:)

ayamlin said...

* jeannette
Hi jeannette!
Actually I asked a woman who lives in Saipan the fish.
the fish is not seerfish and it's barracuda.
Probably a person who told me the fish name first was wrong.
it's not a problem of English.
so if I aske my teacher the fish, he's not sure about this fish.
anyway, tonight it's over at midnight. I gotta go to bed. nightnight!

Pietro Brosio said...

Hi Ayamlin! It's very nice to read about your third and fourth day in Saipan!
About your comment, I agree: jogging in the fresh air of the evening is good, and maybe the landscape is more beautiful too!
Happy new week :-)

ayamlin said...

* Pietro
Hi Pietro!
How've you been?
in Tokyo it's way too hot as usual.
but I like summer:)
and I jog a lot these days:)
Thank you for your comment:)
and to read my blog:)
Happy new week:)