Many summer festivals must’ve been held at various places in Japan last Saturday.
I went to an annual festival near my parents’ house with my family.
We know the annual event but it was our first time to joint it.
I went to my parents’ house in the evening and I went jogging with my sister’s
family and my mother.
My mother and my sister’s husband ran fast in front of sister and me.
I didn’t have energy and jogged with my sister slowly after them.
But when we got to the middle of the course, my sister started running fast.
I jogged after her. Then I heard the sound of fast footsteps behind me.
I thought my sister’s husband tried to beat me and turned around.
And it was not my sister’s husband it was a small old man!
He looked serious and beat me.
After a while I caught up him and beat him.
When we almost got to the goal, I heard fast footsteps again.
I thought it was my sister’s husband this time around.
But it was the old man again!
He must’ve not wanted to lose. After getting the goal I cracked up.
After jogging my mother cooked right away and we went to the summer festival
with fried noodle and boiled corn that she cooked. We didn't imagine it but we were
able to get seats easily and started to drinking together.
I drink a lot when I'm outside.
I was so excited with songs of Michael and drank while laughing.
My sister's husband danced like moon walk and my mother drank more than usual and
got a little bit tipsy and laughed easily.
My sister rapped towel like sheep that Korean do it when they go to sauna.
Everybody enjoyed spending time at the night.
By the way we enjoyed it at parents' house after it.
My sister and her husband danced like moon walk again.
This weekend there is the annual fabulous fire works exhibition.
I'll drink a lot again!